
Tom Gates Absolutely Fantastic [ AT Some Things]

Written and illustrated by: L.Pichon
Before I tell you something about this book you really need to know that this book is recommended for senior children because it may have difficult words that juniors might not be able to read.
Tom Gates is really looking forward to the Activity School Trip - well if he finds his form!

There will be loads of excellent things to do Like: Making Rafts, Midnight Feast, Watching out for weird creatures.

 It will be fantastic!!!!

So are you ready to read the book now well I am!!!!!!


Reviewed by Japjee, C2


  1. I'm really looking forward to reading this because it sounds funny and interesting!

  2. You did a fantastic job on getting information on this book.

  3. These book series are my favourite, I love this book.

  4. I really loved how you wrote about this book reveiw.

  5. I really want to know what is going to happen next because it sounds really cool.
